This is the September edition of the 12 of 12. Check out this blog for the 411 and other 12 of 12'ers around the world.
My September 12 of 12.

8:20 am.
My morning routine: getting ready for work. Might look like a torture device, but its one of the best little wonders ever. No kidding.
8:30 am.
Roxie's morning routine. Outside? Yes please!
Roxie's morning routine. Outside? Yes please!
Float like a Caddilac, Sting like a Beemer. This is Kathleen. She's my baby.
8:55 am. On my way to work. Takes a whole 2 minutes to get there.
9:10 am.
Did someone say coffee?
This is the wall in our office. Quite a few hours went into this project. Built the wall, sheetrock, taped off, painted...Sigh. But, its awesome.
11:15 am
My messy office. Seriously, if everything was clean, I wouldn't be able to operate.
Did someone say coffee?

My messy office. Seriously, if everything was clean, I wouldn't be able to operate.

Here I am at job #2. Had the office to myself today. Got to play with a new program in photoshop called QuickMats. It pretty sweet.

Taco Tuesday at Rosa's!

Taking Roxie for a short walk.

Checking the mail. Yep. Credit card application. I can hardly contain myself.

Watching America's Funniest Home Videos. That Bob Saget, he's such a hunk. (hahahahha) Gotta have something a little wholesome after Nip/Tuck.
Taking my Nip/Tuck break with champagne and a smoke. Is it just me or is that show out of control this season? Dang...