I know this will come as a shock to many of you, but I wore a burnt orange Texas shirt yesterday. Before you freak out, let me explain.
My Mom and Grandpa are both very fiesty UT fans, and somehow I managed to be a die-hard OU fan (even through the bad years). There were many OU/TX weekends endured, and most of those (while in the Turner household) were spent apart. This was best for both of us. However, in recent years both my Mom and I have begun to root for each other. This is rather unheard of when it comes to the OU/TX rivalry. Maybe it's because my hatred has been geared toward another team, or maybe it's because I've lived in Texas so long, or perhaps it's because I've garnered a great respect for Mack Brown and the way he coaches his team.
I don't own anything burnt orange. In fact, I don't think I have anything even close to that shade in my closet. But all of that changed on Wednesday evening. I guess the cashier could see my inner conflict, because she gave me 20% off of that burnt orange Texas shirt.
Last night I went to my coworker's house to watch the game, where the mood quickly took a nosedive when Colt got hurt. There were almost immediate mumblings and grumblings about many things on the UT side, and all I could think was how quickly they turn on their own. Now granted, I was an outsider. I may have looked like a UT fan, and I am in many respects, but at this point, I don't have the emotional attachment.
I constantly reminded the Debby Downers that yes, it sucks when you lose your starting QB early in the game (take it from someone who completely understands), but you have to move on. You can't wallow. Wallowing = losing. But wallow they did. And don't get me started on that shovel pass. Seriously? Knee the sucker and take it to the locker room.
The second half proved to be much better for the Horns, after what I'm sure was a emotional and heartfelt halftime peptalk from Mack. Gilbert even got the Horns within 3 points. I thought they just might pull out a spectacular come-from-behind miracle, but then Gilbert was blindsided deep in Texas territory and that sealed their fate. He did a phenomenal job, and I'm sure will be a fantastic QB next season.
Yes, had McCoy been in the game it may have had a different ending. But we'll never know. Give credit to Alabama, they managed the win (though they didn't do it with National Champion swagger). There should be no asterisk. No more what-ifs.
Let's put 2009 behind us, and hope that 2010 is bigger and better, especially for the Big 12.
Oh, and I wore my OU turtleneck underneath the Texas shirt. Boomer Sooner.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
The Holidays...

The great OK/TX blizzard of 09 ruined my Christmas plans. I stayed in town on the 23rd to have dinner with some friends, and when I woke up on Christmas Eve there was a lovely blanket of snow covering the ground. It worked out perfectly for a photoshoot I had that morning,

I was determined to get home, so I packed the car and left town just after lunch on Christmas Day. It was smooth sailing once I passed the Abilene city limits, the roads were clear and dry for the first 70 miles or so. But as I neared Olney, the roads got a little icier, and about 10 miles or so from Wichita Falls they were absolutely awful. It took me almost an hour to go 10 miles.

I got stuck twice, but luckily there were lots of people out on the roads and a few were kind enough to stop and help push me out of the ice and snow. I managed to make it to my Aunt's house, completely exhausted and stressed out. I was SO thankful to have a place to stop and get out of the craziness. The next morning Roxie and I took off for Oklahoma, and after a slow-going 20 miles or so, the roads cleared and all was well. I made it home Saturday afternoon, we had a fast and furious Christmas celebration, and I got back in the car and headed back to Abilene on the 27th.
Last week was spent packing and moving. My parents (God bless them) came down on Tuesday and were a tremendous help. I would not have been able to do it without them. Heck, they mostly did it all without me (I only had Friday off of work). If you look closely, I'm back there in the middle...I'm looking happy because we were nearing the end. I have WAY too much stuff.

I'm staying with a friend for now (while most of my stuff is in storage). I'm not sure where I'll be going next, which is exciting and scary at the same time. Do I stay in Abilene, do I move somewhere entirely new and different? The possibilities!
So a blizzard robbed me of Christmas, and packing/moving robbed me of New Year's. Fun, right?
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