Monday, March 19, 2012

Button Collector, 8/52

Look at me! Two weeks in a ROW! :)

This week's DIY is all me. No pinterest, no blogs, just me! While shopping at HobLob one day I found this lovely gem (please forgive my tired, no-makeup face). The biggest button EVER!

My Mom has collected buttons for many years, mostly the kind that you pin on your shirt, but more recently she has begun collecting these types of buttons. She's found jars of them at antique stores, garage sales, estate sales. Plastic, metal, large, small - but she'd never seen a button quite this large. I decided that she must have this giant button, and I wanted to make her a 'Button collector' sign to hang in her home. I wandered around HobLob, trying to find the perfect thing to hang below the button, and I found this little guy, stuffed onto a random shelf. Perfect!

I was not fan of the beaded wire (so I removed that) or the plain ceramic front. I had leftover scrap fabric from  some IKEA curtains that I bought and hemmed when I first bought my house. They're almost a burlap without the scratchy surface.

After removing the beaded wire with some tiny needlenose pliers, I cut the fabric to size and started pulling the fabric tight and hot gluing it in place. The front is a little on the wonky side if you look super close (I got a little carried away with the amount of hot glue I used - just a thin line or squiggle will do juuuuuust fine). I let it dry for a bit and then came in with a pencil and lightly drew out the word. 

I first tried hot glue, but it was too thick and dried too quickly. Next I tried Aleen's fabric fusion glue, but I guess Aleen doesn't think yarn is a 'fabric' because it didn't stick. At all. Third time's a charm, YAY, because the cheap brand fabric glue worked perfectly. And it goes down white, but dries clear. I did one letter at a time so I didn't smear the glue.

There were two small holes in the top of the plaque (where the beaded wire was earlier), so I threaded a yarn needle with the orange yarn and pocked it through one of the holes, then wound the yarn in through the holes in the button, and back to the other hole in the plaque. Tie it off on both ends, and VOILA! I'm going to leave the hanging choice to her (you could glue a photo hanger on the back, or use those 3M Command Photo Hanging Strips to the back. I haven't used them yet, but I love their Command hooks (I'll show you my jewelry organization area in next week's project!).

I sent Mom a photo, because I just couldn't wait for her to see it. She loved it!

Total cost of sign:
Giant button - $8 with a 40% off coupon
Ceramic sign - $3.99
Glue/fabric/yarn - already had

Success! Make something this week!

Monday, March 12, 2012

DIY Chalkboard Paint, 7/52

I know. I'm 3 weeks behind! Ack! I promise I'll catch up.

DIY Chalkboard Paint

No need to pay $25 a quart for chalkboard paint, make your own in ANY color! After seeing several posts in the blogosphere about this, I knew I wanted to try it myself. I cannot believe how easy this project is. Here are the supplies you'll need:

  • Dry Non-Sanded Grout - I bought mine from Home Depot for $5ish ( I can't remember exactly), but it's a small tub. You'll only use a teaspoon or two for each project, so this could last you for AGES.
  • Acrylic paint of your choice (I only used one bottle)
  • Foam brush
  • Surface to paint on - I got a wooden plaque from Michael's for $3.99
  • Total - $10 or so (with the initial purchase of the grout)
Mix 1 1/2tsp with your acrylic paint. I used almost a full bottle (the smaller ones). Be sure you're in a well-ventilated area, the powdered grout is 'dusty.' If you're doing this project with the kiddos, I'd suggest using those little paper masks for the mixing part.

Next, paint! The paint will be a little bit grainy, and that's perfect. It will even out when you paint. I painted 3 coats on my wooden plaque. Let it dry completely (an hour or so). After it is dry, you'll need to prime your chalkboard for it's first use by running a piece of chalk over the entire painted surface. And VOILA! You're ready to go!

Seriously, that's it. Run by your local hardware store on the way home from work. There are SO many projects you could do with this chalkboard paint!