Saturday, Sep. 5th: Long weekend in OK, wonderful lunch with family, and then OU lost to BYU. By 1 point. Sam Bradford was hurt just before the first half and is likely out for another few weeks. Jermaine Gresham is also out. Boooo.
Spent the rest of the weekend with my family, and my Mom and Sister taught me how to sew! We made dog beds and I made a lunch bag, and when I got home I made a sleeve for my camera strap. I'm very excited about the many, many things that are possible now that I know how to sew (like perhaps some faux-leather pants of my own, haha!).

Saturday, Sep. 12th: I drove home to Duncan, picked up LT and we headed to Norman for the OU/Idaho State game. We donned rain boots and ponchos and spent most of the day in the rain, but it was a great game, just what we needed after last week's loss.

Tomorrow night I'm doing sushi with the girls, and then going to see Shooter Jennings at the Lucky Mule. I am super excited!!
And THEN on Saturday, I'm heading out early, another trip to OK. This time I'll pick up Mom and we'll head to Norman to see the OU/Tulsa game. The city manager of Albany gave me two tickets to the game AND we'll have wristbands to get into the tailgate. Man. It should be awesome.
My creative side hasn't been fed in about a week, so I'm ready to start a new project. Maybe tonight...
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