OU plays BYU tomorrow night at the new Texas Stadium, I wish I was going, but it will be good to watch the game with my family, in the great state of Oklahoma. :) Oh man. The excitement is almost overwhelming!!
The official beginning of college football season for me, though, was last Thursday with ACU's win against Northwest Missouri. It started off a bit breezy when a crazy stormed rolled in about half an hour prior to kickoff, forcing the game to be delayed an hour and sending us all for shelter.
But the sun came out and a gorgeous double rainbow welcomed us back to the stadium.

I got to hang out with a friend from work and her sweet little kiddo (below).

Our defense played phenomenally well, and our offense still has some snags to work out. BUt it was a great game, and we won 19-14. ACU is now ranked #3 in D-II. Go CATS!

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