I'm going to do this in multiple parts. One: because we did a LOT of stuff, Two: I'm at work and don't have a lot of time to write stuff, and Three: because most of you, like me, don't have a lot of time to read stuff. Short attention span. Ok? Ok.
So. NYC. It was amazing. Busy. Exciting. Fantastic. Crazy. Crowded. We had a great time, my feet hurt like hell by the end of the 2nd day and didn't stop hurting until late Sunday or Monday. We probably walked at least 5 miles a day, some days it felt more like 10. My new Reeboks really served me well, I can't imagine how badly my feet would've hurt had I been wearing my old sneakers.
We got into Newark around 11:30 on Wednesday and went to check into our hotel. We had a lovely view of the parking lot and highway (!!) but we didn't care, the only thing we planned on doing at the hotel was sleeping. We then made our way back to the airport on the shuttle, accompanied by a rather good looking British guy. We attempted to get him to travel with us (he was alone and just going to hang out in the city for the day before flying back home) to NYC, but he opted to take the Air Train instead of the bus. Oh well. Thus began our mass transit experience.

Leg 1: Airport Shuttle to Newark International
Leg 2: AirLink train from P4 to Terminal A (after several days of this, we almost had the announcements memorized. USA 3000!!)
Leg 3: Bus 62 to Newark Penn Station
Leg 4: Path train to Journal Square
Leg 5: Switch Path trains to Penn Station NY
Yeah. Everyday. Twice. Most nights we didn't get back to the hotel until 2am. Next time we stay in the city.
We met up with Bonny and she showed us Times Square, we ate at Vinyls, which was a hip pan-asian/american restaurant. They had 4 bathrooms that were each decorated for different stars. Dolly Parton, Cher, Elvis, and Nelly. I went to the Dolly, it had a huge mosaic of Dolly Parton on the wall, a creepily accurate Dolly Barbie doll, and Dolly music piped in. It was awesome! We then went to the Time Warner building, saw one of the Trump buildings, and walked around Central Park. We made it an early-ish night, since we'd only had about 4 hours of sleep the night before.

To be continued...