Early last week my car gave me some problems (steering wheel shaking and a lovely burnt-rubber smell) and after taking it to my uncle's shop to get it looked at, it was determined that under no circumstances should I be driving it to Dallas. WHAT?! My whole weekend appeared to be ruined. Mom and I talked it out, going back and forth between go or no-go. Luckily Steve was planning to be in town on Thursday, and would be headed to DFW on Friday. Steve graciously changed up his plans a bit and I was able to ride with he and Cliff to Dallas on Friday. YAY! We met up with my Mom in Fort Worth and agreed to meet at the Cotton Bowl the next morning, a few hours before the game so we could find tickets. Mom and I stayed in Addison Friday night

We headed into the stadium about 45 minutes before the game to find our seats and watch the teams warm up. The energy in the stadium was just insane! I've never experienced anything like it. Steve came over and sat with us for the second half, so he and my Mom were able to cheer for TX together. The rest of the game just flew by and before I knew it, it was over. We lost 16-13 (we were a 3 point underdog going in, funny). That makes us 3-3, losing those three games by a combined total of 5 points. Yeah that sucks.
We stuck around for the festivities, well, actually Mom and Steve left me standing by myself

We parted ways after that and went back to the hotel and crashed. Mom and I met up with Dad at the Stockyards in Ft. Worth on Sunday. We went to Joe T. Garcia's for lunch, great Mexican food, and GORGEOUS place. I mean gorgeous. And it's huge! Courtyard after courtyard, flowers and fountains and trees...all tucked away in the Stockyards. Seriously awesome. We wandered around the Stockyards for a bit, and then I headed back to Abilene in Mom's car.
That had to be one of the best weekends I've ever had. And I'm still not recovered...looking forward to a weekend at home.

Oh, and BOOMER SOONER. I'm a faithful fan to the end.
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