Wednesday, September 23, 2009

7 things

I was tagged by Melissa, so here goes.

7 Random things about me:

1. I'm obsessed with college football. Specifically OU football. Seriously obsessed. January to August are football-less and mostly depressing. :) BOOMER!

2. I'm Artistically ADD (and yes, I coined that term, thank you). I'm a photographer, pottter, DIY-er, I can crochet and sew, and I can use power tools. Fear me.

3. My favorite holidays are Halloween and the 4th of July.

4. I was in Reflections Show Choir in high school. We were red, glittery, and awesome.

5. I love sushi. And I just found out that I have a slight allergy to fish, and I don't care.

6. If I had all the money in the world (after taking care of boring stuff like student loans) I'd travel and then buy front row tickets to see all my favorite bands. I love music. And concerts. A lot.

7. I skipped the first grade. My parents would tell you it's because I was a smart kiddo, but I like to say it's because I could color in the lines better than anyone else.


High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Loved seeing what was on your bookshelf! I'm looking into getting a new read so that will help!

Heather said...


I'm actually reading The Secret Life of Bees right now, and it (so far) is amazing!

Anne @ The City Sage said...

Yay for artistic ADD! I have so many projects on my plate--everything from redecorating the house to cross stitching gifts for everyone I know who is getting married. i can't keep my hands busy enough!

Crystal @ Plush Palate said...

So fun to learn more about the girls behind the blogs. I love these 'personal' posts! I'm with you on #5!

Have a lovely day :)


Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway so I could find your fun blog. Your blog is too cute, love your template, and what better 1st post for me to read than this one?

stacy marie said...

okay; no idea how i stumbled upon your blog {in the wee late hours I just blog travel!} but I am in love with your bloggy! I love to design and have fun with blogging and coding and what not! Did you design yourself?! anyhoots, love the list too!

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

I totally relate to artistic ADD =)
Hooray, Halloween's just around the corner!