I drove up to Duncan on Saturday and then on up to Norman for the OU/Nebraska game at 7. There is seriously nothing better than sitting in a stadium full of 85,000+ screaming fans and watching your team lay it down on their opponent. It's amazing. There were, however, a few glitches in the weekend.
- Texas losing to Tech—I freakin hate Tech. The last two games we've played in Lubbock were total crap. We were absolutely cheated out of the first one, and in the 2nd one they knocked out our QB in the first half. I will never go back to a game in Lubbock. The Texas loss does help us in the Big 12 race as well as the National Title hunt. They play OState this weekend (in Lubbock though), so that will be a huge game. We play A&M, so that should be an easy game for us. We luckily have a bye the next week, as we'll need it for the next two games, Tech at home (thank the LORD for that) on the 22nd and OState in Stillwater (UGH) on the 29th. It works to our advantage though, playing two highly ranked teams. As long as our defense does its job, we may come out of those on top.
- The Cowboys suck. Seriously disappointing. I wanted to watch them play at 3, so I didn't leave OK until 6:15. What a freakin waste of time.
On Sunday we had a giant birthday party for everybody in my family who has birthdays from Oct-Dec. There were 5 of us. I got some fantastic homemade gifts from everybody. What a crazy artistic family I have! It's awesome.
I'm tired, and looking forward to a weekend home (my first in awhile). Hopefully the week will fly by…
One more thing. Only in the BCS can you beat the hell out of your opponent and drop 2 spots in the polls. $*#@!(*&#($^@#)$.
Best Halloween Bash EVER!!!
P.S. Thank you for cropping my beer gut out of the picture.
no problem. that's what friends are for. hehe.
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