We roasted hot dogs, and then s'mores. Roxie didn't much care for the tie-out I had her on, it had about a five foot lead on it. She'd go to the end of it and then beg and grunt and growl. It was funny, and adorable. I slept pretty well, it was warmer inside the tent, out of the wind. Roxie also makes a very good heater. Saturday morning we made scrambled eggs and potatoes for breakfast in an iron skillet on the fire. Yum!
I drove back into town around 9:45 or so, dropped Roxie off at the house and went to Hobby Lobby to get a new mat for the photo I was submitting into the BCAA (Big Country Arts Associations) art show. Went home and put it together, took it downtown to the gallery (along with a pottery piece). Drove home, took a shower, had a sandwich and watched a little football. Went to the ACU game at 2, left at 2:45 and headed back downtown to the gallery for the announcement of the winners (I was not one), but both of my pieces were selected for the gallery show, which is good. Then back to the ACU game, which we won 47-17, took the LSC title, are 10-0, and have a bye and then at least 2 home games in the playoffs, woohoo! Also got to see my cousin Evan march in the band during halftime.
He's on the far right with the drum. Back home, football craziness—Penn State losing in the last few seconds, LSU tying it up to send it into overtime and then blowing it—changed clothes and went to a party with Lindsey. Mango margaritas and fajitas (yum!), got to see Niah and Creed (two new babies of friends of mine) left there at 8:30 and caught the last few songs of the Abilene High symphony concert. They had a group called Barrage perform at the end (which is the only part we saw). Like Riverdance except they playe
d fiddles. It was pretty awesome. Went home and watched a few minutes of the TT/OSU game (the pokes did NOT show up in Lubbock) and then crashed.
Yesterday I went to church, then watched football/read a little/napped a little. Carol and I went up to the church around 5 to take tickets for the Mercy Me/Bebo Norman show. It was completely sold out. Stood at the doors until 8 or so and then went in and found a couple of seats. I got some really awesome photos from several different angles. I've found that if you look like you're supposed to be there doing what you're doing, nobody questions you. I found an almost empty front row on the right side of the stage and got a few amazing photos (imho).
I'm tired. And it's Monday. How unfair is that?
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