Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I love movies. For two solid hours, I get to forget about my own reality for awhile. I sit back and wonder what I would do in this situation or that, what I definitely wouldn't have done, and how I would have reacted when faced with the same situation. Would I be the same 'me' that I am now, if I lived in a different part of the country, or the world? Some movies make me want to change things about myself, and this was one of em. Be more confident, love yourself for who you are, take down the walls and let other people love you, and so on....Good movies can completely mesmerize me, only to be jolted back to reality by the rolling of the credits and the house lights coming on. I don't know about you, but my long holiday weekends usually involve going to the movies. Rent and Pride and Prejudice came out today, Narnia and Memoirs of a Geisha come out on my birthday, and closer to Christmas will be The Family Stone, The Producers, Rumor Has It, and so many more. Man. I love movies.
Hope your Thanksgiving is filled with friends, family, good food, and if you're anything like me, good movies. =)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Sport: Football! Hands down.
Favorite Time: Nov-Jan.
Favorite Month: October
Favorite Actor: Will Ferrell
Favorite Actress: Jennifer Aniston or Kate Hudson
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Food: Fajitas!
Favorite Drink: Coke Zero, Amaretto & Diet Coke (yummmm)
Favorite Place: at a football game
9 Currents:
Current Feeling: tired and sore
Current O/S: XP
Current Windows Open: too many to count (I have two monitors, hehe)
Current Drink: water
Current Time: 11:20
Current Mobile(s) Used : Motorola V400
Current Show on TV: Friends
Current Thought: i'm tired
Current Clothes: pink/brown sweater, brown pants
8 Firsts:
First Kiss: Alex (yeah, I'm slow...leave me alone)
First Crush: the first one i remember was in 4th grade, can't remember his name though
First Computer: Commodore 64!
First Vehicle I drove: 1967 Cougar, my baby
First Job: cashier and R&S Drug Store (boooooring)
First Pet: oh man, it was like jack hanna's backyard when i was little, but i guess Roadie (he got dropped off near our house).
First Shave: my cousin Krista shaved my legs when we were little. Trouble!
First concert: James Taylor when Mom was pregnant with me =)
7 Lasts:
Last Movie: umm, Legally Blonde on tv the other day. In Her Shoes tonight!
Last Time I Drove: to work this morning
Last Time Shaved: Sunday
Last Web Site Visited: ebay
Last Software Installed: Quickbooks
Last Pill I Had: my BC pill this morning
Last time I cried: Sunday
6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yep.
Have You Ever Been Drunk: um, yeah.
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree: yep, total tomboy when i was a kid.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn’t Know: no way.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast?: just the shooting range
Have You Ever Broken Anyone’s Heart: I guess.
5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: Material girl by Madonna, the boys talking next door
Things on Your Computer Table: my desk is a wreck, i don't wanna talk about it...
Things You Ate Today: fruit smoothie!
Things in Mind: tonight's plans, work i should be doing right now
Things that Annoy You: incessant pen clicking
4 Places You Have Been Today: Bedroom- bathroom- car- work-
3 People You Can Tell Anything To: Becky, Leslie, my Mom
2 Choices:
* Black or White: Black
* Hot or Cold: Cold
1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die: Be in love.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
today's game
"Taurean Henderson was sure he scored on the final play of Texas Tech's game against Oklahoma. On television replays, multiple camera angles from the near side and one from

Well said Bob. I completely disagree, but well said. Henderson's freakin knee was DOWN and then he stretched the ball over the goal line.What's the point of being able to review a play, when you still call it wrong? Sigh. The game was well played by both sides. Granted, we had a few things go our way that we didn't fully take advantage of, but come on. What a ridiculous ending. This was definitely one of the most 'intense/exciting one second/horribly depressing the next' game I have seen in awhile (the ND/USC game comes in second). Sure wish we would've come down with that ball on that oh-so-important TT 4th down. I still argue that he didn't get that first down there...they definitely got a generous spot, even the announcers thought so. I'm hoping that this game will bump us back into the top 25. And maybe it will. Guess we'll find out on Monday.
I do not concede this game. It was not a fair win. And that's all I have to say about that.
Monday, November 14, 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
At a loss...
Perhaps we should discuss the Texas election results from yesterday? Nah, everyone expected #2 to pass with flying colors. What about the steadily decreasing price of gasoline? Exciting, yes! Interesting or funny? Not so much. Oh! I know!! I don't think I've talked about my crazy martial arts skills in awhile. Yes!
For those of you who don't know, I am a student of Kuk Sool Won. It is a Korean martial art that "covers the entire spectrum of established Asian fighting arts and body conditioning techniques, as well as mental development and traditional weapons training." We do a lot of kicking, punching, joint-locks, throws, and forms (which are my favorite). We've also done a little weapons training, which is really fun too. I've been doing this for about a year now, and I'm a red belt (belt progression: white, yellow, blue, red, brown, brown/black, black). So I'm movin right along. Be afraid folks, be very afraid. In the past month, however, I have become quite the slacker. But as of last Wednesday, I am now back at it, which is good because we have our mid-quarter stripe testing next week. Hopefully I'll be ready for it! Man, Monday's class kicked my rear!! Well, actually, if you wanna be completely accurate, it kicked my ankle. It still hurts! I'm not hobbling around anymore though, no more gimpy!
Moral of today's story: Don't mess with Heather. She's a baaaaaad mamma jamma.
Monday, November 07, 2005
What a weekend!!!

The lingerie shower was really fun, the best one I've been to.

Always the roommate, never the bride...
- You must be an official roommate, not one who comes and goes, or stays for less than 2 months, you must actually be on the lease and pay the rent.
- You don't need to currently be dating anyone.
- There is no guarantee that if you are dating someone, that he will be the one you marry.
- Freshman year roommate: married the summer following our freshman year, now living in Japan with hubby and 3 kiddos.
- Sophomore year roommate: married during our junior year, no kids yet.
- Junior year roommate: married a year and a half ago, now living in San Antonio with hubby and baby boy.
- Senior year roommates: 1 is engaged and getting married in December, 1 is in a pretty serious relationship, and the 3rd is playing the field (yeah!). *My only explanation for only 1 out of 3, is that apparently the magic is only immediately good enough for one roommate.*
- My last roommate: got married a few months ago.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Ken doll makeover?

"Among the changes [you might] see are a better tan, an eyelid surgery that allows him to wink at his favorite lady and a more lean and defined physique" says a Mattell exec.
I'd like you to take a look at the progression of Ken from the 70s to the 2000s. The 70s and the 80s Ken fit the decades rather well in my opinion. The 90s Ken, however, what in the world? As one article quoted, "in the 1990Âs, Ken was the most garish of the Golden Girls." Thank you for being a friend, Ken. In the 2000s, Ken ran right over the 'metrosexual' line, right into San Francisco. Perhaps Barbie's little pink vette actually belonged to Ken, no wonder she left him.