Monday, November 07, 2005

Always the roommate, never the bride...

If you want to get married, move in with me. Here are the guidelines:
  • You must be an official roommate, not one who comes and goes, or stays for less than 2 months, you must actually be on the lease and pay the rent.
  • You don't need to currently be dating anyone.
  • There is no guarantee that if you are dating someone, that he will be the one you marry.
Okay, now for the evidence:
  • Freshman year roommate: married the summer following our freshman year, now living in Japan with hubby and 3 kiddos.
  • Sophomore year roommate: married during our junior year, no kids yet.
  • Junior year roommate: married a year and a half ago, now living in San Antonio with hubby and baby boy.
  • Senior year roommates: 1 is engaged and getting married in December, 1 is in a pretty serious relationship, and the 3rd is playing the field (yeah!). *My only explanation for only 1 out of 3, is that apparently the magic is only immediately good enough for one roommate.*
  • My last roommate: got married a few months ago.
So there you go. Have the urge to merge? (one of my uncle's lines). I might be needing a roommate soon. Leave me a message.


emily said...

haha, that's awesome... I had no idea you were such good luck in love! We owe it all to you and your love voodoo!! Thanks for coming to the shower, it was a blast... and you were a beautiful TP bride!

Anonymous said...

Haha, playing the field!