The game last night turned out to be a pretty good matchup (insert comment on how overrated Oregon was, and how we were a better team than the rankings would lead you to believe). The first half was pretty slow, Oregon was up 7-3 at the half. But we came barrelling out of the locker room in the 3rd quarter, looking more like the Sooners I know and love, and went up 17-7 in no time. I felt confident in my boys, that I set the VCR to record and went up to work for a bit (we're remodeling the office). 4th quarter turned out to be quite the nail biter though. Yeah, I tuned into the OSN (Oklahoma Sooners Network, for those of you non-Okie bloggers out there) on the AM radio and listened to the 4th quarter unfold. As soon as Oregon scored, I was on the phone with my Mom, one ear tuned to her, the other to the boys on OSN. It seemed that the tide was turning Oregon's way, they were doing everything right, and we made some stupid mistakes. We finally get the ball back, and on our first possession after the short punt return, Adrian runs 2 yards and goes out of bounds! Okay, so he was sort of pushed out, but come ON guys, you're up by 3 and you've got 3 1/2 minutes of the clock to burn, you stay away from the sidelines!! The next two plays fare no better, and with just under 3 minutes remaining, we have to punt it back to Oregon. Defense holds, but no...wait....they're running, somebody get him! Tackle him for Pete's sake!! Oh for the love of football.......#($*#$**&@#!!!!! So now here we are sitting at our own 35 yd line,wondering if our resurgent 3rd quarter is going to be wasted in the last 2 minutes of the 4th. Oregon 1st down...Leaf pulls back, looking, looking, no receivers, so he rolls right, finds a receiver and its a 19 yard gain (another few choice words from yours truly). 2 plays later, Leaf pulls back and throws toward the endzone where Demetrius Williams waits with open arms....enter Clint

Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner....